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Our Curriculum, Learning and Standards


School Organisation

Risca Primary School is for children aged 3 to 11yrs.  When there are spaces available, children are admitted to school in the term after their third birthday as Rising 3s. In the September after their third birthday Rising 3s will move into the Nursery class.


The Curriculum

We have a well-balanced and carefully planned curriculum following the national guidelines for Foundation Phase, Curriculum 2008 and the National Literacy and Numeracy Framework.


Foundation Phase

The Foundation Phase Curriculum is a Curriculum, which applies to all 3-7 year old pupils.  It is an experiential Curriculum where pupils learn through play and the outdoors. Whilst allowing pupils to learn more through play we will also continue to teach children the basic skills of reading, writing and maths, and hope to continue to have high standards of basic skills within our school.


Curriculum 2008

Our 7-11 year old pupils have a separate curriculum.  Curriculum 2008 has been written with pupil skills in mind. In order to teach this curriculum successfully we have revised our Curriculum into new and exciting topics, which we hope will keep the children enthralled and interested whilst in school.  Literacy and Numeracy skills have been mapped into Curriculum 2008.



We assess a variety of pupil’s work each term.   This helps us to identify the next steps for learning and gives us the information we need to target extra support. The LA also requires some assessments and in Year 2 and Year 6 there are special assessments required by Welsh Assembly Government, the results of which contribute to National Data.


On entry to school, whether in  Reception or Nursery, pupils will be assessed. We will share this information with you at the first parent consultation.


From Year 2 onwards we also are required to administer National Tests.  All pupils from Year 2 are tested on reading, numeracy and numeracy reasoning.  Parents will be informed of pupil test results annually.

© 2018   Risca Primary School, Dan Y Graig Rd, Risca, Newport, Wales, UK NP11 6DB          01633 612429

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